Abuse & Molestation

Senior woman with black eye is victim of domestic violence

As an organization devoted to helping vulnerable populations, protecting those you serve should be of utmost importance. Yet abuse and molestation happens nearly every day—in day cares, youth sports organizations, safe harbor homes, schools, social service and medical organizations. One act of negligence can create irreparable harm for the victim and their family and cost your organization millions of dollars.

What’s at risk?

Asset 1@3x

Safety and emotional
wellbeing of your clientele

Asset 2@3x

Organizational reputation

Asset 3@3x

Employee morale

Asset 4@3x

Volunteer relationships

Asset 5@3x

Affiliations with third-party organizations

Asset 6@3x

Financial stability

Asset 7@3x

Ability to continue your mission

Abuse + Molestation

Awareness of sexual abuse is at an all-time high. From the Olympics, to the Boy Scouts, to the clergy, abuse within high-profile organizations has raised public consciousness about the prevalence of harm to children and other vulnerable populations.

Photo of boy practicing is basketball with his coach

Creating an environment and culture of safety requires dedicated efforts. Among them:

  • Best practices in employee and volunteer screening including social media profiles
  • Dedicated supervision and security measures
  • Written zero tolerance policies and various procedures including how to report suspicious activity
  • Dedicated training on high-risk and red-flag behaviors, and proper boundaries

Abuse + Molestation Insurance

An abuse and molestation policy can protect your organization in the case of allegations of different types of abuse.

What it protects

Asset 8@3x

Claims of misconduct including
actual or threatened abuse and molestation.
Abuse could be defined as:

  • Physical abuse
  • Mental abuse
  • Humiliation or shock
Asset 9@3x

Legal defense costs

Asset 10@3x

Indemnification if you lose a claim

Asset 11@3x

Statutory attorney fees

Asset 10@3x

Indemnification if you lose a claim

Asset 8@3x

Claims of misconduct including
actual or threatened abuse and molestation.
Abuse could be defined as:

  • Physical abuse
  • Mental abuse
  • Humiliation or shock
Asset 9@3x

Legal defense costs

Asset 11@3x

Statutory attorney fees

The type of coverage

Abuse and molestation insurance policies differ in several ways including: how narrow or broad the definition of abuse is, the types of abuse covered (some policies are just for sexual abuse, others cover mental and emotional distress) and the timing of when the abuse occurs. Trinity Asset Protection can identify your areas of risk so a policy can be tailored to fit your unique situation.

If you’d like to reduce insurance costs and return more
dollars to your programs and services, talk to us today.

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